How to: Naturally Treat Reflux

How to: Naturally Treat Reflux

You may or may not have read about this hot tip before, but I can guarantee it will blow your pregnant mind!! 

When I first encountered reflux during my first pregnancy, I went down the classic antacid route and although they tasted delicious, they did absolutely nothing for my heartburn.

I asked my amazing holistic doctor if she knew what would help, and was a little surprised when she gave me this one simple solution: 

1 teaspoon of bicarb soda dissolved in a shot of water.


Simple, natural, effective way to neutralise reflux during pregnancy  |  MOOLK


Yep, that simple mamas.

Fair warning, it tastes like wet fish and is not pleasant to drink, but that's why I recommend mixing it into as little water as possible (while still maintaining a liquid consistency, not turning it into a paste) and shotting it. Sipping that shit in a full glass of water is foul. I also think it takes longer for the effects to kick in if it's not in a 'shot'.

After about 3-5 minutes, you'll feel the need to burp. It feels like waiting for a sneeze that doesn't come, but luckily the burp always does (for me, anyway). And ohhhh mama, it's always a deep, insanely satisfying burp.

After a few more burps, you'll notice the burning in your chest and throat has dissipated. That's because bicarb soda is a base and neutralises the acidity in your stomach which causes the burning sensation.

I hope this helps a pregnant mama in need! 

Lauren xx